Hope in hopelessness

In January I gave a talk on hope. I struggled in the preparation and went to Derek for help. He asked me one question: “What is the opposite of hope?”

“It’s hopelessness,” I said, and suddenly I identified. I understood. Hopelessness is a deep dejection that nothing will improve, a choking fear that it will always be the same, a desperate feeling of no remedy or cure…

I am still thinking about hope, telling others, and applying it to my life. I trust this ‘Hope Hand’ blesses you as it has blessed me. 

6 Replies to “Hope in hopelessness”

  1. Eva, such a vital topic—HOPE. Over the years I have experienced the strong connection between HOPE and TRUST. Romans 15:13 means so much to me: “Now may the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you TRUST in Him, so that you may abound in HOPE to the glory of God.” I began to see that HOPE is a by product of TRUSTING GOD. In order to have HOPE, I must “TRUST IN HIM”. The Lord would whisper to me, “Trust me, Lani”. I’m so glad that, “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

  2. Hello Eva, what came to me with what you wrote is the first two lines of the second stanza of the hymn Amazing grace ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; It is His grace that brings us to a place where we realise that on our own we are hopeless and that brings fear, without which there will be no need to cry for help but thank God that His grace does not leave us hopeless but also relieves our fears and hopelessness by showing us the provision He had made and how to take hold of Him. Mark 10:46-52 Maranatha

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