Our best is enough…

Over the last few months I have joined in initiating three new projects. Each one totally different. A community centre. A writers’ group. An apple orchard. And with each I feel out of my depth.

Yet over the years I have learned that it is okay to feel that way. It is okay to look at a blank sheet of paper and go blank. It is okay to feel lost.

But, I have found that the ideas do come. A random chat on the street. A person who has been there before and shares their expertise. The encouragement of a friend.

And when I give my best and ‘work at it with all [my] heart, as working for the Lord,’* something always happens. The initiatives take on a life. They bless.

*Colossians 3:23 (photo by Tim Douglas: www.pexels.com)


I tried to get home, but Satnav led me down a narrow country lane, straight to a “Road closed” sign. I found another another road – a dead-end!

I backtracked and found a workman. He pointed out the detour. But, that road was CLOSED as well! Not only a sign, a huge truck blocked the way.

Now I was truly lost, but as I sat there trying to figure out where I was, the truck moved. The driver waved. I could get on my way.

How I laughed. This was like God. Sometimes I get so disoriented by the blockages in my life, but God steps in when my efforts don’t work. HE opens the way.

Photo by Karthik Chandran on Unsplash