
He says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love,” when we feel alone.

He says, “My word is a lamp to your feet,” when we get confused.

He says, “Do not be afraid,” when life overwhelms.

Because, in every problem, God will ALWAYS fulfill his promise.

Daring honesty…

Not long ago, in a certain situation, I thought I was right. I couldn’t even listen to a challenge from a friend. But later I read a verse, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you…” (Matthew 18:15) Sigh! This verse was about me…

A lady once told me, “Because I live alone, no one ever disagrees with me. So, in my eyes I am always right. But I need people to challenge me, no matter how distasteful.”

Now, it is true that not every challenge comes from a good heart. But whatever comments come our way, it is good to lift each one up and take an honest look.

Photo by James Scott on Unsplash