In Search of the Elusive – Joy

Imagine – you’re getting married, but that morning your dad disowns you. You plan to drive to church, but he disappears with the car. So, you end up going in a dirty work van, sitting on the floor in the back. Yet you still wait for your dad outside the church, standing in the wind in your wedding dress and veil. You wait for him to walk you up the aisle. He never shows up…

Derek and I got married almost 36 years ago, but still I struggle to reconcile my wedding day with James 1:2, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds”. But then I regain perspective yet again. Joy is a constant choice.

I walked up that aisle. I took a bold step. And, oh, the joy to see Derek there!

Photo by Jamie Coupaud on Unsplash

The Comforter

When any one makes a 2007-11-03 18-06-17_0078promise, it is like signing a treaty. Friends promise to look out for their friends.  Couples promise to forsake all others. Others promise to fulfill their commitments. But what happens if those treaties are broken?

We hurt. We cry out at the injustice. We feel so alone. But there is a God of compassion, who comforts us in all our troubles. (2 Corinthians 1:4) Let’s fall into HIS arms for comfort. He always keeps his promises.